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Thursday, December 9, 2010

MCA FOP Assignment - 3

Subject                 : Fundamentals of Programming
Subject Code         : 610001
Department           : MCA
Assignment Date    : 29th Oct, 2010
Submission Date    : 22nd Nov, 2010

1. What is an array? Explain the procedure to initialize one-dimensional and two Dimensional array.

2. In what way does an array differ from an ordinary variable? Explain internal representation of arrays in C.

3. What is a function? Explain with Syntax. List advantages of using functions.

4. Explain with syntax and Example.
strlen(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strcat(), strupr(), strlwr(), strrev(), strncat()

5. What is meant by Command Line Arguments? What are their Data Types?

6. What is recursion? Explain Recursion Function with example. List applications of it.


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